This piece is called "Break Me" and I really like how this came out. It didn't take me as long to complete (60 hours) as it did for my "Toxic Rewind" composition (100+ hours). Here's what "Break Me" means to me: I think a lot of us walk around thinking to ourselves that we're underrated and underappreciated - undiscovered gems just waiting to enlighten the world with our wit and charms. If only someone would see through our contradictory exterior, they'd 'win the lottery' with our ability to be a treasured friend or life partner.
This composition attempts to delve deeper than the "to know me is to love me" adage to expose and depict how self-defeating behaviors are the real reasons behind a life of isolation. While mazes, circles and crossed lines offer a rationale that no one is unreachable, bold arrows point to what we're unable to say: don't just find me - break me.
Do you agree with me?
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