I hope you like the changes I made on my website. I didn't go crazy or anything since I still like the format and overall structure. Mainly, the changes were focused on the home page to improve navigation; but, I did manage to add a new licensing page and a publications link on the about Chuck page. Even the art products page has updated information. Lastly, I added thumbnails to the press page so it functions similarly to the photos page. That's basically it. Even though the changes were relatively small, this kind of programming work can be pretty tough - that's why I still work with my original webmaster, Andrew Howell, owner of A to Z Studio. To see his portfolio, just go to my website and scroll down to the bottom - you'll see his link.
To see and read more of my art work or to contact me about creating something unique for you, please visit my website at www.chucktrunks.com. Or email me at chuck@chucktrunks.com.