Despite sounding like a disguised tribute to my favorite Jack Black movie, "Skull of Rock" is a composition that captures my favorite things to do in L.A. around Halloween – activities I could never do growing up in suburban Philadelphia. With the summer heat lasting deep into the Fall and kids packed into classrooms, I’m free to climb rocks around "Skull Rock" in Joshua Tree National Park and to enjoy near empty beaches with a boogie board strapped to my wrist!
Even after 20 years, I still miss the spectacular autumns of the North East, but listening to the sounds of desert silence and sharing waves with dolphins and seals more than makes up for it! Happy Halloween!
"Skull of Rock" is part of my A La Art Series. It's available in various sizes on paper or canvas as limited edition prints (75). Licensing of this image is available as well.To see the entire image of "Skull of Rock", please visit my website at www.chucktrunks.com.