Columbia, South Carolina - May 21, 2024 - An excerpt from Chapter 8: "...but the truly amazing thing is that atoms essentially live forever. So, when we pass away, our biological processes will cease to function, but the seven octillion atoms inside us (that's a seven with 27 zeros after it) will continue on. Back in the mid-1990s, I attended a lecture by prominent alternative medicine advocate Deepak Chopra in Thousand Oaks, California. In it, I remember him saying it was entirely possible for some audience members to possess recycled atoms from Ramesses II, Aristotle, and Julius Caesar, even from a pond frond carried by Cleopatra, symbolizing eternal life."
Physics from the Heart: A Quantum Story solves this dilemma by packaging its sentient message within a narrative that reads less like a textbook and more like a lighthearted screenplay. Not only will readers find themselves painlessly becoming closet experts on one of the most famous discoveries in all of science, but they'll also be able to connect it to the world around them, including consciousness.
Life any good movie, Physics from the Heart is relatable, entertaining, unpredictable, and even comes with a surprise ending that explains why this book will leave you feeling both empowered and happy. 💖
Trunks Art moved from Nampa, Idaho to Columbia, South Carolina in 2024 and has made this city his home and writing inspiration.
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