Sunday, October 13, 2024

"Being Happy: The Pursuit of You" is one of TRUNKS ART'S biggest sellers! I hope it will inspire you to see the story inside of you!


Columbia, South Carolina - October 13, 2024 - An excerpt from Chapter 10:

"I don't know about you, but I've been around chronically elated people, and, to me, it comes across as forced, disingenuous, and, quite frankly, a little creepy. For the purposes of this book, I prefer to communicate from a position of having lived in the real world, thinking that most readers would agree with me that it's more realistic to aim for a life that vacillates between states of feeling happy and 'not unhappy' rather than to delude oneself into thinking that it's possible to feel cheerful all of the time. If you don't believe these perpetually euphoric people exist, just look at your Facebook or Instagram feeds." ðŸ’“

Back Cover:

Who do I think I am? What gives me the right? I'm no Deepak Chopra, Eckhart Tolle, or Viktor Frankl, yet I've written a book about finding happiness by controlling emotions, investing in the current moment, and having a meaningful purpose. The nerve!

More than 100 billion human beings have lived and died on this planet, and I'm guessing that every one of them wanted to be happy. I'm also guessing that very few of them wrote books about being happy. What's unique about my book is that I will take you on an open and honest journey using real events from my life that will entertain you, make you feel, relate, and think while being shown exactly how I came to discover and harness the happiness and fulfillment that was hiding inside me all these years.

I offer my humble story with the hope that it'll help you find yours, too. 💓

"Being Happy: The Pursuit of You" is on Amazon now.

Trunks Art moved from Nampa, Idaho to Columbia, South Carolina in 2024 and has made this city his home and writing inspiration.

To see more of my work, please have a look at more posts or email me at Or, visit my website at  Also, you can find me on Instagram (chucktrunks) and Facebook (Chuck Trunks).

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

"Must Love Dogs: A Tragedy of Sorts" is a book proving to be on the cutting edge of a changing ideology toward pet ownership!

Columbia, South Carolina  - September 12, 2024 - An excerpt from Chapter 4: "Just as the guy pulled the leash to restrain his dog, I launched off the sidewalk at a 45-degree angle toward the street. Despite atrophied legs from a month of bed and couch life from the virus, I cleared the snow pile; however, the landing was a different story. Either the ground was uneven underneath the snow or the snow had frozen haphazardly. My legs went out from underneath me, and I landed on my back in what had to look like the biggest soccer pitch flop ever attempted. With two huge German Shepherds barking wildly at me, I could barely think while I rolled over to get on my knees so I could stand up. Shockingly, the couple had stopped to gawk while restraining their menacing dogs without so much as a, "Oh my god! Are you all right? We're so sorry for scaring you like that!" ðŸ’–

Must Love Dogs: A Tragedy of Sorts, is on Amazon Books now.

Back Cover:

Even if you've been going through life half asleep for the last ten years, I'm still confident that you've noticed an undeniable surge in the number of people with dogs. Have you ever wondered why that is?

After conducting over ten years of field research for this book, amassing 30,000 bike-miles and 10,000 foot-miles while doing so and interviewing hundreds of dog owners who trusted me with their personal stories, I developed a theory that attempts to answer the question, "How did America become so obsessed with dogs?"

The sometimes funny, sometimes frightening, and always entertaining observational and experiential stories in the first two parts of the book stem from actual events and support the explanations behind a theory that takes into account the external and internal pressures that make it remarkably easy for dog owners to exclaim, "Must Love Dogs!" 

Trunks Art moved from Nampa, Idaho to Columbia, South Carolina in 2024 and has made this city his home and writing inspiration.

To see more of my work, please have a look at more posts or email me at Or, visit my website at  Also, you can find me on Instagram (chucktrunks) and Facebook (Chuck Trunks).

Thursday, August 15, 2024

"Heart Appreciation: Stories of Gratitude" is TRUNKS ART'S first of six books. There are 10 stories in the book. Which is your favorite?


Columbia, South Carolina  - August 15, 2024 - An excerpt from the "Keith" Chapter: I hadn't seen Keith for a couple of months and thought about stopping to talk about these fascinating trees with him. But just as I was about to come up beside him, I thought better of it and kept going. I'm not even sure if he recognized me, as I didn't look back. "How freaking ironic," I said to myself. Just like Keith's novel, our relationship was its own dystopian tale with an ending nobody would like. And when the path veered away from the river, away from the shade, I remember thinking, "That's real life." ðŸ’–

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I found out early in life that good people bring you happiness while not-so-good people teach you lessons, but this book focuses on the great ones who give you lasting memories.

In this collection of personal and lyrical short stories, you will learn how a nine-year-old girl, a pro football legend, a Fortune 500 CEO, a feisty old man, a country boy, a Puerto Rican logistics manager, a new hire from Santa Barbara, a college buddy, and a high school gym teacher taught me about dignity, compassion, loyalty, charisma, humility, selflessness, and so much more.

These non-fiction reflections combine elements of humor, poetry, essay, and memoir and serve as reminders that we are truly a result of what we learn from others. I extend my deepest appreciation and gratitude to everyone mentioned in this book as well as to those who will be honored in subsequent compilations. ðŸ’–💖💖 

Trunks Art moved from Nampa, Idaho to Columbia, South Carolina in 2024 and has made this city his home and writing inspiration.

To see more of my work, please have a look at more posts or email me at Or, visit my website at  Also, you can find me on Instagram (chucktrunks) and Facebook (Chuck Trunks).

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

"Be Still My Heart: A Code for Love" by Chuck Trunks is worth the read! Who wouldn't relate to my story about finding love after 50?


Columbia, South Carolina  - June 18, 2024 - An excerpt from Chapter 6:

"I was prepared for the white wine to spray from her mouth, but not the condescending tone. I have to admit that the worst of me makes a guest appearance as soon as someone seizes the higher moral ground, which, in my opinion, is the first move toward an attempt to shame me. Men hate to be shamed. I hate to be shamed. In an instant, I decided then and there that I wouldn't say another word to Cassie until she asked me why I wasn't saying anything. Then, instead of telling her an amazing story about the photo shoot, I'd offer a mini-TED talk on the virtue of seeking to understand rather than rushing to assume the worst. It wasn't the uncomfortable truth I had planned on, but it would still give me a chance to pump life back into this uninspiring date..."

Back Cover:

How many times do we have to hear, "You're not trying hard enough," "You're going about it the wrong way," or "You need to step outside your comfort zone?" At first, I bristled at such tiresome platitudes, yet there I was, rolling up my sleeves, putting myself out there, and believing that life gives you exactly what you put into it.

But does it? Has life really given you exactly what you deserve? When so many of us can't find romantic love, meaningful work, a true friend, a permanent home, or enough money to live on, I can't help but think that something other than our own poor choices and self-defeating behaviors is working behind the scenes to keep us from acquiring happiness, success, and fulfillment. To me, it just doesn't add up.

Be Still My Heart: A Code for Love will not only reveal what's hidden behind the curtain, but you'll come to understand that your lot in life isn't all your fault. ðŸ’–💖💖 

Trunks Art moved from Nampa, Idaho to Columbia, South Carolina in 2024 and has made this city his home and writing inspiration.

To see more of my work, please have a look at more posts or email me at Or, visit my website at  Also, you can find me on Instagram (chucktrunks) and Facebook (Chuck Trunks).

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Physics from the Heart, by TRUNKS ART, is truly a quantum story. It's on Amazon now!

Columbia, South Carolina  - May 21, 2024 - An excerpt from Chapter 8: "...but the truly amazing thing is that atoms essentially live forever. So, when we pass away, our biological processes will cease to function, but the seven octillion atoms inside us (that's a seven with 27 zeros after it) will continue on. Back in the mid-1990s, I attended a lecture by prominent alternative medicine advocate Deepak Chopra in Thousand Oaks, California. In it, I remember him saying it was entirely possible for some audience members to possess recycled atoms from Ramesses II, Aristotle, and Julius Caesar, even from a pond frond carried by Cleopatra, symbolizing eternal life." 

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What if you were lucky enough to come across something that gave you the power to rise above what we're all experiencing in these trying times? And what if you wanted to share it with the rest of the world but realized that your life-changing revelation was understandably complicated and couldn't be offered to the masses through a simple meme, sound bite, or video clip? 

Physics from the Heart: A Quantum Story, is on Amazon Books now.

Physics from the Heart: A Quantum Story solves this dilemma by packaging its sentient message within a narrative that reads less like a textbook and more like a lighthearted screenplay. Not only will readers find themselves painlessly becoming closet experts on one of the most famous discoveries in all of science, but they'll also be able to connect it to the world around them, including consciousness.

Life any good movie, Physics from the Heart is relatable, entertaining, unpredictable, and even comes with a surprise ending that explains why this book will leave you feeling both empowered and happy. ðŸ’–

Trunks Art moved from Nampa, Idaho to Columbia, South Carolina in 2024 and has made this city his home and writing inspiration.

To see more of my work, please have a look at more posts or email me at Or, visit my website at  Also, you can find me on Instagram (chucktrunks) and Facebook (Chuck Trunks).

Sunday, April 21, 2024

To me (TRUNKS ART), "It's Not Your Fault: But It Could Be." This is one of my favorite books!


Nampa, Idaho  - April 21, 2024 - An excerpt from Chapter 3: 

"Although I was told that age and years of service were the only factors used to determine who was in and who was out, it still felt humiliating, which is why I chose to exit the building in the most unceremonious way. By taking the back stairs, I was not only avoiding an uncomfortable 'walk of shame,' I was sparing my colleagues and friends from seeing it. What do you say to someone who's leaving the building with a lamp? Besides, I only wanted to visit one place on the corporate campus one last time before driving home..." ðŸ’“

Back Cover:

Is it just me? Or do other people notice what I'm noticing but aren't saying anything?

If you've seen what I've seen inside and outside mainstream society, then you will love this book because you will have found a like-minded brother in me. If what I'm revealing in It's Not Your Fault: But It Could Be is eye-opening to you, then you will also love this book because it demonstrates that there's more to work than the daily grind, more to happiness than material wealth, and more to relationships than pet-centric lives.

Will live in a duplicitous society where we're surrounded by messaging that tells us to follow our dreams and to be our authentic selves despite being bombarded by a culture that offers a narrow definition of success and only way to get there. This book is based on real-life experiences that will remind you of the freedoms you still have, so you, too, can avoid the false promises of the American Dream.

In my last book Being Happy: The Pursuit of You, I offer a formula for finding the happiness within you. This latest book, It's Not Your Fault: But It Could Be, is about acquiring and maintaining happiness despite living in such a toxic culture.

All my books can be found on Amazon. 💓💓💓

Trunks Art moved from Raleigh, North Carolina to Nampa, Idaho in 2022 and has made this city his home and writing inspiration.

To see more of my work, please have a look at more posts or email me at Or, visit my website at  Also, you can find me on Instagram (chucktrunks) and Facebook (Chuck Trunks).

Monday, March 18, 2024

Yes, I think it's possible. "Being Happy: The Pursuit of You" is worth the read. I promise!

Nampa, Idaho  - March 18, 2024 - An excerpt from Chapter 3:

"By the time I stopped for gas in Pismo Beach while on the way back to Camarillo from Paso Robles, I knew in my heart that my training and racing days were truly behind me because I was already fantasizing about sleeping in and eating pizza again. And when I reached the stretch of Highway 101 between Santa Barbara and Ventura, I moved into the right lane and set the cruise control to the slowest speed I could get away with so I could steal glances at the Pacific Ocean through the passenger side window. I can still remember how the rippling surf picked up the last of the day's fading light, innocently distracting observers like me from thinking about the teeming life just below the surface. I wasn't disappointed when the highway began to veer away from the coastline since an orange sliver of sun was all that remained, making it too dark to see. My mind was elsewhere anyway. All I could think about was the teeming life inside of me..."  💓

Back Cover:

Who do I think I am? What gives me the right? I'm no Deepak Chopra, Eckhart Tolle, or Viktor Frankl, yet I've written a book about finding happiness by controlling emotions, investing in the current moment, and having a meaningful purpose. The nerve!

More than 100 billion human beings have lived and died on this planet, and I'm guessing that every one of them wanted to be happy. I'm also guessing that very few of them wrote books about being happy. What's unique about my book is that I will take you on an open and honest journey using real events from my life that will entertain you, make you feel, relate, and think while being shown exactly how I came to discover and harness the happiness and fulfillment that was hiding inside me all these years.

I offer my humble story with the hope that it'll help you find yours, too. 💓

"Being Happy: The Pursuit of You" is on Amazon now.

Trunks Art moved from Raleigh, North Carolina to Nampa, Idaho in 2022 and has made this city his home and writing inspiration.

To see more of my work, please have a look at more posts or email me at Or, visit my website at  Also, you can find me on Instagram (chucktrunks) and Facebook (Chuck Trunks).