"I want my MTV."
Back in the early eighties, teenage distractions consisted of things like Pac-Man, Rubik's Cubes and of course – MTV. Fascinating stuff at the time but not too addicting to have driven us into the abyss like we're seeing with so many of today's kids – but to be fair, we didn't have X-Boxes, MySpace pages or YouTube videos – we couldn't even text each other!
"Just Peachy" is about how all these distractions will eventually catch up with today's teens. In the picture, a girl takes a break from roller skating to sit in front of a black and white mosaic that represents the not-so-nice realities of achieving independent life in this society. While the contrasting color scheme below suggests a coddled existence under her parent's care, the color above suggests that in her mind more of the same comforts await her storybook future.
But with such a harsh wake-up call looming around the corner; will she be able to overcome the pull of the rabbit hole? Chances are she will. If we managed to get somewhere in life, so will she – even if MTV is now a podcast download.
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