Top Picture: 32" x 40" Limited Edition (75) of "You Got A Problem?" Bottom Picture: How the canvas looked prior to ink and acrylic applications.
So...what's the meaning behind "You Got A Problem?"...
I'm going to guess that the punk rock scene doesn't come to mind when you think of Raleigh, North Carolina in the mid 80's. What made this guy interesting enough to sketch while having a drink in a busy college town bar is the same reason why I brought him ‘back to life' twenty years later. Sure, he stood out amongst the former debutants and rural farm boys looking to be first generation college graduates; but, it was his obvious arrogance and dismissive glances that helped me clarify how to draw this non-conformist.
While I admire people who dare to buck fashion trends and social norms, I will take issue with those who do so in a manner that implies superiority. Can't they see that they're exhibiting the same narrow-mindedness that drives the discriminative remarks and disapproving stares that no doubt pepper their own day? To me, the challenging and combative attitude only suggests a discomfort with one's own chosen identity. And my guess is that the girls and boys from the tobacco fields and dairy farms picked up on that as well because the punk rocker didn't last long in the joint before being forced out into the damp Carolina night. I'm sure he rejoined his friends that evening with a seething account of how unfairly he was treated but I have to say he brought it on himself.
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