The center is such a cool place because the atmosphere and layout is designed with "the visitor" in mind. With the help of the friendly and knowledgeable staff, it's virtually impossible to walk out of the building and not know something new, interesting and useful - even if you live in Ventura! Even if you refuse to leave Ventura's city limits, you will find really charming and meaningful activities that are happening smack dab under your nose. Not into this stuff? No worries because you're just like me. I walked out of the building knowing what sea creatures live around the Channel Islands. Go ahead - quiz me! The Ventura Visitors Center is located at 101 South California Street in Ventura's Historic Downtown Cultural District - which is basically in the heart of downtown. Also, the center is open Monday through Saturday. To see more of my work, please visit my website and blog. If you're interested in having a custom art or custom art surfboard brighten up your home, office or business, please don't hesitate to contact me.

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