ART THROB: Commission Impossible? Think Again...
In what seems like a never-ending barrage of talk of budget cuts, profit loss, scarcity, and other depressing stuff, it is refreshing to hear that many local business owners and private clients continue to commission artists for work. Surprisingly, many patrons are not even in the business of art; however, they know something valuable when they see it. As artists, we appreciate their initiative. As a community, we benefit from it. Take CURE; a new pharmaceutical company that develops new and advanced methods to deliver drugs to people and animals. CEO and Chief Operations Officer, Robert Davidson and Wayne Nasby, respectively, hired local artist Chuck Trunks to custom make a surfboard sign-- in his trademark pop style—to greet visitors in the foyer of their headquarters in Oxnard. Maverick’s Gym owners, David and Molly Hill, also own a Trunks custom board. It features their logo within icons of Ventura.
Painter Jodi Anthony, who recently exhibited at Fox Fine Jewelry, was commissioned to paint an image of an empowered woman for a life coach who is looking to re-brand her business with a new marketing look. The patron came to see Anthony’s work after she read an article in the paper. Ojai artist, Diane Bennett, was approached by a patron looking to buy art as an anniversary gift for his wife. He commissioned Bennett to paint a retablo with an added quote he provided. Bennet will be exhibiting at the Ventura County Museum this month.
Gull Wings Children’s Art Museum’s new director, Julia Chambers, contracted a couple of artists to create artwork for the re-vamp of the museum. Recognized sculptor BiJian’s Bird on the Roof, is an origami-inspired kinetic sculpture perched on the…um, roof of the museum. It adds a touch of whimsy as it welcomes guests. The key here is exposure. Exposure for artists is possible with the aide of art galleries and newspapers who, in turn, benefit from displaying and promoting their work. It is a very possible mission, then, to gather some momentum from this collaborative effort and take support of the arts to a new level.
To read the rest of the article, please click here to go to the VC Reporter's on-line version.
To see more of my work, please visit my website and blog. If you're interested in having a custom art surfboard brighten up your home, office or business, please don't hesitate to contact me. I'd love to help you! *Sales of all boards are shared with the Surfrider Foundation of Ventura County.